Exclusive Flash Sale l Carlton Hotel Bangkok Sukhumvit

Venue Details

Carlton Hotel Bangkok Sukhumvit
Carlton Hotel Bangkok Sukhumvit, 491 Sukhumvit Rd.
Bangkok, Bangkok, 10110

Exclusive Flash Sale l Carlton Hotel Bangkok Sukhumvit



Breakfast Buffet Voucher Terms & Conditions
- Advance reservation is required and subject to availability please contact our team at 02-090-7888 or [email protected] 
- The Voucher is valid until 31 March 2025 and no extension of the expiry date will be allowed.
- The Voucher is valid for a Breakfast Buffet per person at Plate restaurant from 06:00 am - 10:30 am.
- Vouchers can not be used in conjunction with other promotions/ dining vouchers or discounts/ special events.
- Prepaid only. non-refundable.
- Black-out dates may apply please check with our associates.
- Expired vouchers will be forfeited with no entitlement to refund or exchange.
- Vouchers are not exchangeable for cash or replaceable if lost, destroyed, or stolen.
- F&B Vouchers cannot be exchanged between restaurants.
- The voucher is reserved for one-time use only.  
-The original voucher must be presented upon arrival.
- Apply for dine-in only.



Plate Set Lunch Voucher Terms & Conditions 
- Advance reservation is required and subject to availability please contact our team at 02-090-7888 or [email protected] 
- The Voucher is valid until 31 March 2025  and no extension of the expiry date will be allowed.
- The Voucher is valid for a Plate set lunch per person at Plate restaurant from 11:30 am - 2:30 pm.
- Vouchers can not be used in conjunction with other promotions/ dining vouchers or discounts/ special events.
- Prepaid only. non-refundable.
- Expired vouchers will be forfeited with no entitlement to refund or exchange.
- Vouchers are not exchangeable for cash or replaceable if lost, destroyed, or stolen.
- F&B Vouchers cannot be exchanged between restaurants.
- The voucher is reserved for one-time use only.  
- Blackout dates may apply please check with our associates.
-The original voucher must be presented upon arrival.
- Apply for dine-in only.



Wah Lok Cash Voucher Terms & Conditions 
- Advance reservation is required and subject to availability please contact our team at 02-090-7888 or [email protected]
- The Voucher is valid until 31 March 2025  and no extension of the expiry date will be allowed. 
- Cash vouchers can be used for food and beverage at Wah Lok restaurant and Cash vouchers applicable for take-away.
- The voucher is reserved for one-time usage      
- Vouchers or special events. If in doubt, please contact the hotel for clarification.
- Cash voucher is non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
- Black-out dates may apply please check with our associates. ( 1 Jan, 28-30 Jan, 12 Feb 2025)
- Gift vouchers cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion, all set menu or discount and/or third-party promotion.
- The original voucher must be presented upon arrival.
- Gift Vouchers are not applicable for catering spending (weddings, meetings, etc.)
- Terms and conditions may be subject to changes without prior notice.  



Tuxedo Afternoon Tea Set Voucher Terms & Conditions 
- Advance reservation is required and subject to availability please contact our team at 02-090-7888 or [email protected] 
- The Voucher is valid until 31 March 2025 and no extension of the expiry date will be allowed.
- The Voucher is valid for Tuxedo Afternoon Tea set for 1 person at Tuxedo Espresso Bar from 12:00 pm - 4:30 pm.
- Vouchers can not be used in conjunction with other promotions/ dining vouchers or discounts/ special events.
- Prepaid only. non-refundable.
- Expired vouchers will be forfeited with no entitlement to refund or exchange.
- Vouchers are not exchangeable for cash or replaceable if lost, destroyed, or stolen.
- F&B Vouchers cannot be exchanged between restaurants.
- The voucher is reserved for one-time use only.  
- Blackout dates may apply please check with our associates. 
- The original voucher must be presented upon arrival.
- Apply for dine-in and takeaway.



Tuxedo Afternoon Tea Set Voucher Terms & Conditions 
- Advance reservation is required and subject to availability please contact our team at 02-090-7888 or [email protected] 
- The Voucher is valid until 31 March 2025 and no extension of the expiry date will be allowed.
- The Voucher is valid for Tuxedo Afternoon Tea set for 2 persons at Tuxedo Espresso Bar from 12:00 pm - 4:30 pm.
- Vouchers can not be used in conjunction with other promotions/ dining vouchers or discounts/ special events.
- Prepaid only. non-refundable.
- Expired vouchers will be forfeited with no entitlement to refund or exchange.
- Vouchers are not exchangeable for cash or replaceable if lost, destroyed, or stolen.
- F&B Vouchers cannot be exchanged between restaurants.
- The voucher is reserved for one-time use only.  
- Blackout dates may apply please check with our associates.. 
- The original voucher must be presented upon arrival.
- Apply for dine-in and takeaway.



Combo Set Voucher Terms & Conditions 
-  Advance reservation is required and subject to availability please contact our team at 02-090-7888 or [email protected] 
- The Voucher is valid until 31 March 2025 and no extension of the expiry date will be allowed.
- The Voucher is valid for Combo set per person at Cooling Tower Rooftop Bar from 5:00 pm - Midnight
- Vouchers can not be used in conjunction with other promotions/ dining vouchers or discounts/ special events.
- Prepaid only. non-refundable. 
- Expired vouchers will be forfeited with no entitlement to refund or exchange.
- Vouchers are not exchangeable for cash or replaceable if lost, destroyed, or stolen.
- F&B Vouchers cannot be exchanged between restaurants.
- The voucher is reserved for one-time use only.  
- Blackout dates may apply please check with our associates. (12, 14, 19 Feb 2025)
- The original voucher must be presented upon arrival.
- Apply for dine-in only.

Venue Details

Carlton Hotel Bangkok Sukhumvit
Carlton Hotel Bangkok Sukhumvit, 491 Sukhumvit Rd.
Bangkok, Bangkok, 10110